Rabbit Hole - Routine

  Photo by Meghan Hessler on Unsplash

Sometimes, you just have to chase the rabbit down the hole. I am convinced that some of the greatest discoveries and grandest adventures are a result of chasing rabbits down holes, and if you don't believe me, just ask Alice.  

Anywho, today I was challenged to write about routines. A quick Google search later and here I am thinking about "sequence(s) of actions (that are) regularly followed; a fixed program". Which got me to thinking about rhythms, and habits. Then I got to thinking about what the regular routines, rhythms, and habits of my life are. 

In the book Atomic Habits James Clear teaches so many practical principles about this and I just recently started re-listening to this on audio so it has been really on my heart and mind lately. The idea that I have clung to the most out of the whole book is presented in chapter 2. Where he talks about your habits and your identity and how our habits tell a lot about the kind of person that you are. I felt challenged to decide what kind of person I wanted to become. There are at least a few other books that I have listened to recently that also forced this idea into the forefront of my mind where I was challenged to really think about what I love, and what I want to do and what I want to become. So what do you love? What do you want to do?  Who do you want to be?

I love my family...

I love my friends and my kids' friends...

I love my dog (I know, but he is GREAT dog!)...

What do I want to do? I want to connect with people. I want to speak truth and life in a gentle loving way. I want my friends to know that when I see them, I see value and beauty and grace and inspiration. I want them to be and feel loved. I want to encourage people with written and spoken words that give hope and life and love. And here we are. You and me on this journey together. I want you to know when I look at you I do not see a number on the scale, or your imperfections or your insecurities. I don't see the thighs that you think are not right I see a graceful powerful woman of God who loves and serves her family and others so well. I do not see that 10 pounds you think you need to lose. I see your smile that invites people into the fun you create and I hear your laugh that brings joy at the mere thought of it. I don't see how you don't measure up to this standard that we create for ourselves, I see how you stand out and inspire others with the simplest act of existing. 

Who do I want to become?  I am working on that one still. I want to be a wife that respects, loves and encourages her husband. I want to be a mom that loves her kids and their friends and points them toward Jesus. I want to be a friend that others want to be around. 

What do routines, rhythms, and habits have to do with any of this? If you've stuck with me all the way down into this rabbit hole, here it is. We get to choose. We can decide who we want to be. And then we can start becoming that person. I would wager that most people are a lot like me, and maybe you have become someone you didn't necessarily choose to be. Your circumstances have brought you to where you are. I would simply ask that you look at where you are and who you have become and ask yourself if you want to change. The good news is you can.  

You can say I want to be a wife that respects her husband, and then start respecting your husband. Put your phone down when he has something to say to you, when he asks you to do something for him, say yes. Without expecting anything in return. You can say you want to be a mom that connects with her kids. Then start finding ways to connect with them AND their friends. You can say I want to speak truth to people, and start opening up your mouth and SPEAK! Or, find a coffee shop you love and go there every Wednesday and write words of encouragement, even if you feel they are inadequate, and send them out into the vastness of the internet and pray that they fall into the lives of the people that need to read them.  Make it a HABIT to speak love and life everywhere you go even if it feels weird.  I've said it before but it deserves repeating, embrace the awkward and just start today. It may bless someone more than you will ever know. 

There are so many things that I hope you know, but I hope you know that you are valuable, you are loved and you are amazing!



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