Sprinkle Kindness

My kids are getting ready to take the MAP (Missouri Assessment Program).  It is a standardized test that they take in the state of Missouri each year in school from 3rd-12th grades.  Now, do NOT get me started on tying our kids' identities and value of "being smart" to a test score or teaching certain things to our kids simply because they are on the MAP test but I digress. Our local elementary schools have started a tradition that was new to me that I think is amazing.  The schools send home a request that parents write letters of encouragement to the students to read during testing.  Why do I love this SO much? Well, I think it is a great practice for us as parents, and a great example for our kiddos.  I am a little ashamed to admit that I do not spend enough time praising my kids' good behaviors because I expect them.  But on the flipside of that I do definitely point out their undesired behavior almost every time.  And I hate that about myself, I'm working on it.  I am trying to praise them and others with more positive reinforcement.  I hate that this is something I have to be very aware of.  What if we all started encouraging others?  What if we just encouraged all the people we come in contact with?  Every single person.  That mom in the grocery store with the "full hands" (I can't remember how many times well meaning people would see me with all four of my littles and say "you've got your hands full don't you?") why not tell her, "you are doing a great job momma, I remember having all my kids at the store, and you are doing awesome!" You can even throw in a "Hey, and you are rocking that messy bun!"  What if we just really sprinkled kindness around like confetti?  Left notes of encouragement in our kids' lunchboxes (I do not do this very often but they love it when I do.) I am trying to be intentional with my encouragement.  So go out there and encourage people on purpose.  It is a little weird and slightly awkward?  Yup.  Embrace the awkward. (I say this all the time!)Need to have a hard conversation with a friend, is your friendship worth working and fighting for?  Embrace the awkward, have the hard conversation.  Your kid's friend asks permission to tell a funny story about another friend and you hear  her ask?  Embrace the awkward and tell her you heard her ask for permission and praise her in front of the group! Embrace the awkward and sprinkle that kindness around like confetti, because it makes the world a little less hard to face and it's one of the things I hope you know.


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